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Why You Need a Coach?

A coach is  is someone who helps guide others to accomplish their goals. Because each person has goals whether they realize it or not, does not make it necessary. What actually makes it necessary is that most people will not reach their goals without help from others. As the saying goes, "no man is an island" - this saying rings true. Whether we confess to it or not, this is the crux of the matter. Having a coach does not necessarily make it easier but it does make it more possible for goal attainment.

Think whether you have in fact reached all of your life goals. Some may not have to think too hard to realize that they still have at least one goal hanging out and dangling in their minds. Having a coach helps to keep you accountable and keeps you consistently moving forward with action and belief. How many times have you started towards a particular path and dropped off when the going got tough? Had you a coach at that moment, more than likely you would have accomplished your goal. While everyone needs a coach, unfortunately not everyone will succeed with a coach - if they are not coachable.

Very important to your success with a coach is either being or becoming coachable. People who are coachable are more open minded and realize that no one under the sun, including them, knows everything. Because of that, once they keep an open mind and accept the guidance and help from a coach, they can reach their highest goal.

Now, do you agree that everyone needs a coach? Or rather, do you believe that you need a coach?

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Cher & Associates prides ourselves in integrity, communication, and excellence and seek to deliver both in a reasonable and realistic way.


Cher & Associates provides coaching services and if coaching is adopted results will become evident. Cher & Associates and all its designees or employees are not legally responsible for results. Cher & Associates is held totally harmless.

© 2016 by Business, Mindset & Confidence Coach

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