What are you doing "In Between"?
There is a saying that I have "we should not just live and die, we should do something meaningful in between". What I mean is that, when we leave this earth, we should be known for something positively impactful that will never be forgotten.
There are many who have gone before us who have provided examples of how to do something "in between". There are many greats and you are one too. Embrace your greatness and if you have not started to do that meaningful thing yet, it is not too late to start. And, if you have already started, then keep at it. Enjoy the ride. Try not to make it regid but intentionally make it fun!
Some examples of that "in between" thing are write a book, write a song, write a poem, write a prayer, produce and sing a song, open a business, solve a major problem, invent something that the world needs, preach a powerful sermon, give an impactful speech, start a movement, help others genuinely, write a blog, start a talk show, become a social media expert, become a teacher, find a cure for a disease, become a parent, become a principal, become a multi-millionaire, open a home for the destitute, become a nurse or doctor, be your authentic self, and the list can go on and on. I don't have enough space to list all the possibilities, neither do I know them all. Let your imagination run. You have an innate creativity that you can freely tap in to at any point. Use it and create that unforgettable "in between" thing.
Your life will maintain meaning because you'd be putting your best foot forward each day as you create impact in this world. Don't be hard on yourself to figure it out. You were actually born to do whatever that "in between" thing is. You will know when you have found it.
Embrace your creativity, live your life intentionally, create impact, live your best life, and please do that "in between" thing!