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Keep the Momentum

Let's face it. Sometimes it is tough to keep the momentum in life. At times you may feel down and get the feeling of doing nothing. Even though you know the importance of keeping the momentum, you just can't bring yourself to do what is necessary to keep at it. This happens to some people for just a season and to others longer than they desire or would like to admit. It is OK to have those days. Yes, it really is.

It is very important, though, not to sit in that space for a long time. A long time can be relative. Very easily minutes becomes hours, days, weeks, months, and years. Therefore, using your inner mental power to regroup and refocus is critical. You have what it takes to bounce back. You really do. You are resilient. It starts with your thought. Think your way to momentum.

The reason that thinking can help you is that whatever you think about, your actions starts following. If your momentum was going after opening a business and you paused because of whatever reason and find it difficult to bounce back, start off with the thought. Visualize yourself running this business successfully, pray about it, meditate on it. Before long, your actions will be lining up. Our mind power is stronger than we sometimes realize.

Once we realize the power that we already have, we can be, do and have so much more aligned with our goals, dreams, and desires. I have to tell you, this mind power works the other way too. If you are constantly thinking that you'd never get the business up and running, guess what, it won't become a reality. Opening the business is an example, but your mind power works for absolutely any goal that you would like to attain. It can be financial, relationship, educational, business, social, mental, it really doesn't matter. You can definitely accomplish it.

I challenge you today to select a goal that you lost the momentum for, start practicing mind power consistently for one week, and see how much closer you get to that goal in just seven days! After that, keep going for the next seven days until you accomplish that goal, then on to the next. You can do it!

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Cher & Associates prides ourselves in integrity, communication, and excellence and seek to deliver both in a reasonable and realistic way.


Cher & Associates provides coaching services and if coaching is adopted results will become evident. Cher & Associates and all its designees or employees are not legally responsible for results. Cher & Associates is held totally harmless.

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