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Helping Others

People often declare that they love helping others. But do they genuinely enjoy helping others? I definitely believe so. And what does that truly look like anyway?

My overall view on the “helping others” factor is that it is indeed deeper than showing them what to do or actually doing it for them. I believe that true help is ensuring that the individual knows how to proceed without the helper, after they have been coached or helped for some time. Though it depends on the nature of the help of course. Help has been accomplished when the person has learned to the extent that they can, if they choose to, teach someone else. Certainly, it does not happen overnight.

How about the people receiving help? Do they really understand what help really means? I have been on the receiving end of help, and I would say that there are various levels. There’s the kind of help when the receiver wonders if the person helping really wants to give the help. Then, there are those on the opposite end of the spectrum who have drowned the receiver with a ton of information that they became overwhelmed and therefore do not really learn much, although the helper obviously had great intentions. Sometimes the time factor plays a huge role in how the help is delivered or received.

In this very busy world, where almost everyone is speeding on the highway of life, some just do not take the time to truly help another person. Thankfully, there are those out there who take the time to genuinely help others.

There are three points worth highlighting:

1. If you set out to help others, then sincerely help them. Stay away from spoon feeding them because that is not real help.

2. For those on the receiving end of help, realize the sacrifice that the helper is making and appreciate the help so much that you take strong interest in receiving it.

3. For both the helper and the receiver, ensure that true learning is really occurring. If not, the interaction can be considered merely a waste of time.

I applaud and thank all the folks out there who enjoy helping others. You are indeed among those who make the world a better and brighter place.

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