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Be True to Yourself

It is sometimes interesting to be true to yourself. Many struggle because they are trying desperately to live to please others, to fit in, to measure up. As a result, they live a life that stifles who they really are.

It is important to be true to yourself not withstanding who others think you should be. Being yourself is freeing and liberating. It is beautiful to express who you really are to others. I can imagine how uncomfortable it must be to be someone other than who you were meant to be. Break free and live your life the way you feel deep within your soul. I am sure approval from others may be important to you but the greatest approval you can seek is that from almighty God, the Creator of the Universe. Once you have His approval, the rest will fall in place the exact way it should.

Express your inward beauty and do not attempt to be someone else. Uphold your truth and be true to who you are. Be unapologetically you!

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