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Cry Out If You Must!

Cry Out if You Must!

Far too many times we carry a lot in our hearts and we really don’t have to. One of father’s favorite song was “What a Friend we Have in Jesus”. The reason, as he explained it, that he loved this song is that we needlessly worry about so many things when it is really unnecessary. God rest his soul as he sleeps in Jesus.

It is encouraging to know that we really don’t need to be bogged down with what we may believe is the largest challenge ever. The truth is there are likely others with challenges that far surpasses the one you are carrying. This absolutely does not mean that yours is insignificant before God. All it means is that, you may take comfort in knowing that you are not the only one going through something. If we really peel back the onions we will realize that we are all truly walking this path called life without much difference. We would like to make it seem like everything is perfect but really it isn’t. God knows more than anyone your innermost fears.

The difference though is how each of us deal with whatever we face. Are we internalizing it all and pretending or are we laying it out before God and practicing to let Him truly handle it all. After all, He is God. Have you found a couple solid friends who you can call on to pray with you? You know the kind that will not spread your confidential information - the non-gossiping type. Have you been the type of friend who will offer to pray others through instead of push them further down in their troubles giving them less hope than they had when they first started talking with you? Let’s be difference makers, hope carriers, and prayer warriors. Won’t it be refreshing to have folks who make you feel that you can conquer anything after you finish speaking with them? Let’s be that type of person and give others the hope they are really searching for. It really does not cost anything to be a difference maker.

Stop walking around heavy laden. The bible says “come unto me all you that labor, and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest”, “cast your anxiety upon Him because He cares for you”, “be anxious for nothing, but in every situation, with prayer and supplication make your requests known to God”, “the Lord is my shepherd, I shall not want”, “trust in the Lord with all thine heart and lean not to your own understanding”.

Lift your head up, get out of the slumps and continue to walk this road called life confidently knowing that you are not alone and God’s got you! He is not sleeping and He sure enough isn’t blind. He sees and He will make your way plain, He will part your red sea, and He will send manna. He will pour out the very blessings you need. The one thing though is you have to believe.

Cry out if you must - it really doesn’t matter what you cry out about, whether it is large or small. Whatever it is, God’s got you, just talk to Him about it and believe completely that He will work it out. And, you guessed it, He will!

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