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Family Over Everything

I think in most if not all families there are disagreements at times. Sometimes they are mild and other times harsher than we would like to admit. However, in the end, people from the same family have a special bond. It's just the way it is. They may get really angry at each other but the day and hour someone else gets annoyed at our family member, it is on. We forget that we were even displeased with that particular family member and we have our mental boxing gear on. We are ready to fend off anyone and protect our family member.

I am sure you will agree that you have seen this or experienced it in your own family. If we get into high gear to protect our family members from others, I wonder why we don't think to protect them from ourselves and the mean things that we sometime say or do to them. What makes it right for a family member to treat another family member less than favorable? I am glad you asked. The answer is nothing. I agree that no one should mess with our family but also believe that neither should we. #familyovereverything

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