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When the New Gets Old

There is usually a drive and passion to start fresh when the new year rolls around. As a matter of fact, we generally start planning for all the newness from December and sometimes even from November. We get on a mountaintop hype then we blast off in January with resolutions, goals, and new heights.

Too many times by the end of January and beginning of February we start going down hill with our resolutions and goals. We start waning on the things we said we would do. We feel like the newness and freshness of these lofty goals are no longer necessary. For some, it is really that no one is holding them accountable to do what they said they would.

As we transition into fabulous February, please think about all the newness and freshness and get a new momentum at the beginning of each month. Plan to finish the year stronger than you started. keep the momentum going month by month and see your goals become a reality. I challenge you to never let the new get old, let it remain new until infinity.

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