So how much can you really do in 24 hours?!
I marvel at how much we try to fit in a 24-hour period. Usually counting from 12 midnight most people get roughly 5 hours sleep, perhaps waking at 5 am. We fit in devotional or meditation time. At least some of us do, and then we exercise for those of us who care how we feel and look. After that, we may or may not eat breakfast. With some rushed conversations with our family, if any at all, we rush off to the outside world. Reaching to work about 9 am, nine hours of our day would have already gone. We have just 15 hours left before the 24 hours expires. Folks typically spend 8 hours at work. Let’s see, we are now at 17 hours spent, with only 7 hours left. So we travel home in typically an hour, that is, if we head straight home. Let’s say we headed to an evening meeting instead arriving at 6 pm. We meet for an hour making it 7 pm, then drive home, making it 8 pm. We probably shower, eat and sit in front of the TV or pick up a book to read. Or, perhaps just talk with our family. Yet some of us get on the computer and do either company work, church work, or browse social media platforms such as twitter and Facebook. Looking up at the clock it is already 10 pm with only two hours left. We get into thinking of having to rise early again the next day. Then we watch the 10 pm news, catch a TV show, then reflect and or pray. We then head off to bed maybe. So, what did we really do with 24 hours?
How many of us really plan our day purposefully? Do we insert time for the many calls that we send to voice mail, or to call someone to just say hello and see how they are doing. Or to just review personal emails, texts, and voice messages? Do we set aside time to call our biological siblings to check on them and find out how things are going in their world? How about just taking some personal time without the distractions of life to just focus on yourself and to hold your goals fix in your mind’s eye. Do we take the time to sit down and just do nothing but relax? Do we take time to help the kids with their homework and ensure that they understand it? Or just to listen to their many stories and questions about significant or seemingly insignificant musings?
So how do we spend our 24 hours each day and what really are its contents? As we all know, time waits on no one. In fact, before we know it, 10, 15, 20 years have passed! When we look back on time that has passed, do we prefer to feel contented or have miserable regrets? Well, the good news is that each of us receives the same 24 hours each day. Not only that, but we also have the choice of how we cash in these hours. Why not take time and live purposefully—whatever that means to you. I challenge you to live a full, vibrant life. “Whatever your hand find to do, do it with all of you might, to the best you can”!
So, what will you do with the next 24 hours that awaits you?